Talk to Dr. Sarah who will listen to your current pains and frustrations
Identify what's possible for your running future
Analysis of your current strategy to meet future goals
Up to 2 examples on how to optimize your current strategy
Decide if the EmpowHER Hip Program will allow you to reach your maximum potential
Dr Sarah is fantastic! Takes time with diagnosing and describing the technicalities of the issue at hand which I greatly appreciate from a patient perspective. Tackling the problem, the prescribed approach isn’t overwhelming and feels manageable to do at home throughout the day. I’m back at running to where I used to thanks to working with her.
-Anthony M.
-Clarise C.
Sarah is a Fellowship Trained Doctor of Physical Therapy
Avid Runner, Weight Lifter, & Hiker
Conquered her own hip injury with conservative care ONLY
+ No imaging, injections, or surgery